Academic Programs
Master of Business Administration
Jones International University offers the Master of Business Administration (MBA) online. The program is designed for students with a bachelor level degree in business or a related field. Mirroring the practice of successful organizations, the MBA program emulates the business environment, emphasizing both academic and practical knowledge along with technological skills that can be placed into immediate use. Graduates of the program are prepared to assume and succeed in leadership roles within today’s business world. The program provides maximum flexibility and is designed to enhance the student’s career opportunities while developing successful and ethical business leaders.
The MBA degree program is designed to meet the student’s professional needs by offering an advanced degree which provides the student with the knowledge and expertise needed to succeed as a leader in today’s domestic and international business world. The program provides both practical and hands-on experience and offers opportunities for the student to network with peers and business leaders within the global community
MBA Degree Program objectives: The Jones International MBA graduate will be able to accomplish the following:
- Fulfill a leadership role within one’s business environment using sound business strategies and goals.
- Synthesize a broad-based understanding of the functional operations of managerial accounting, finance, economics, marketing, operations, supply chain management, human resources, information systems, and organizational leadership.
- Identify, analyze, and solve complex managerial problems that require advanced critical thinking, technical understanding, and decision-making skills.
- Apply advanced research skills, report writing competency and group process skills.
- Influence the organization within the global business environment.
- Effectively manage cross-cultural business environments using proven leadership and conflict management methods.
- Facilitate strategic planning through the use of research and sound make decision making.
- Conduct business with high ethical and professional standards.
- Apply theory and conceptually developed models within the business environment.
- Lead the organization using principles that add value not only to the profitability and productivity of the enterprise, but also add value for the stakeholders and customers of the organization.
Formulate career advancing knowledge and skills as leaders and practitioners.
Level and Type of Research Required: Master Level
Mastery and application of quantitative and qualitative business research methodologies involving real world case studies and academic research assignments throughout the completion of the core curriculum of the master’s degree programs.
MBA Total Program Required Credits: 37 Credits
- Prerequisite Course(s) (As Required)
- MBA Courses (37 Credits)
Typical length of study: 1.5 years
MBA Program Prerequisite Course(s)
Prerequisite Courses:
For Non-Business Undergraduate Majors
BUS 5310 – Survey of Business Topics (3 Credits – does not count toward 37 required credits)
For Students that have not passed the equivalent of one 3 credit statistics course with a minimum grade of C
BUS 5324 – Business Statistics and Decision Making (3 Credits – does not count toward 37 required credits)
Core Courses (28 Credits)
ADM 5000 – Masters Level Success (1 Credits)
BUS 5301 – Research Methods (3 Credits)
BUS 5321 – Managerial Accounting (3 Credits)
BUS 5322 – Managerial Finance (3 Credits)
BUS 5323 – Managerial Economics (3 Credits)
BUS 5331 – Ethical Issues in Business (3 Credits)
BUS 6340 – Survey of Business and Its Leaders (3 Credits)
BUS 7318 – International Business (3 Credits)
BUS 7335 – IT Management & Strategies (3 Credits)
BUS 7390 – Strategy and Policy (3 Credits)
Elective Courses (Select 9 credits/3 classes from the following)
BUS 5313 – Production and Operations Management (3 Credits)
BUS 7302 – Elective Project (3 Credits)
BUS 7314 – Contracts and Procurement Management (3 Credits)
BUS 7316 – Marketing Management (3 Credits)
MGT 5310 – Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3 Credits)
MGT 5312 – Leadership Communications and Writing (3 Credits)
MGT 5340 – Issues of Management (3 Credits)
MGT 6311 – Human Resource Management (3 Credits)
MGT 7312 – Organizational Behavior (3 Credits)
MGT 7313 – Critical Thinking and Decision Making (3 Credits)
MGT 7316 – Survey of High Performing Organizations (3 Credits)
MGT 7340 – Organizational Leadership and Change Management (3 Credits)
MGT 7350 – Strategies in Organizational Leadership (3 Credits)
ADM 5000 – Masters Level Success 1 CREDIT
To be successful in the online, masters level degree programs at Jones International University, students need to possess a core set of skills. This course provides new students with an overview of these core skills, focusing on 4 specific items: navigating the Jones International systems and expectations; Jones International policies and procedures; Jones International student services and resources; and the LIRN Library Database.
BUS 5301 – Research Methods 3 Credits
The course presents the student with an overview of the general approaches to research methodology. The student learns to investigate the quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodology approaches to rigorous scholarly inquiry in their field. Emphasis is placed on reliability, validity, dependability, and ethical considerations for developing relevant, appropriate, and professional research methodologies
BUS 5310 – Survey of Business Topics 3 Credits (Prerequisite course and does not count toward degree credit requirements)
This course is designed for the student that does not hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business. It explores the various disciplines of today’s business environment and provides the student with a detailed overview of the field of business management and how each one is related to the other. The disciplines that are surveyed include: management, finance, accounting, economics, marketing, business law, procurement/contracts, human resources, and international business. The course is required for students that did not major in business in their applicable undergraduate or graduate programs.
BUS 5313 – Production and Operations Management 3 Credits
The course provides the student with a practical understanding of production and operations management concepts and tools and focuses on effective management within today’s competitive, global environment. It addresses concepts and methods to support the management of operations in both service and manufacturing environments. Understanding the organizational processes and how production and operations management is embedded into the overall strategy of the organization is paramount to the success of the organization. Some of the concepts and tools studied in the course are: linear programming, queuing theory, PERT/CPM, decision theory, Kaizen, and lean manufacturing.
BUS 5321 – Managerial Accounting 3 Credits
The course covers the use of accounting information by managers for decision-making purposes. Topics include: analyzing and interpreting financial statements (including cash flow analysis), overhead allocation and product costing, budgeting, accounting, and capital budgeting. Case studies based on actual management decisions are the central method used in this course to enhance student learning of key accounting concepts.
BUS 5322 – Managerial Finance 3 Credits
The course provides the students with the tools and techniques to meet the financial and budgeting challenges they will face in the professional environment. The course provides the student without financial and accounting credentials practical tools and concepts for corporate financial management. (Prerequisite: BUS 5321 or Permission of the Instructor)
BUS 5323 – Managerial Economics 3 Credits
This course provides students with an integrated understanding of the concepts of economics. The emphasis is on the application of economics and the use of actual economic events to encourage the study of the principles of economics and to show how these concepts can help the students understand the complex and dynamic international economy.
BUS 5324 – Business Statistics and Decision Making 3 Credits (Prerequisite course and does not count toward degree credit requirements)
The course familiarizes the student with the use of business statistical procedures for the purpose of generating decision-making information. Understanding the conceptual basis of the methods will be emphasized, which enables students to identify and apply the appropriate statistical procedure to the decision problem.
BUS 5331 – Ethical Issues in Business 3 Credits
The course provides the student with information on the legal and ethical challenges found in today’s business environment. The course is an analytical exploration of the global, organizational, and personal factors of making legal and ethical decisions. It includes an introduction to the western legal system and its effect on current business entities and practices. The student explores current issues and trends in the ethical dealings of the business environment and provides the student with the opportunity to explore their own company’s legal and ethical dilemmas.
BUS 7302 – Elective Project 3 Credits
This course offers the opportunity for the student to select a topic that broadens or encapsulates the MBA program learning goals through the use of a real-world project. The topic and course content will be approved by the student’s advisor as well as by the professor that will facilitate the student’s project. (Prerequisite Requires advisor approval to register for this class. The Department Chair must approve and assign the professor to facilitate the class.)
BUS 7314 – Contracts and Procurement Management 3 Credits
This course provides the student with the tools and skills to understand the complicated and often confusing contractual business environment. The course serves as a survey of the entire acquisition management process from the project management point of view. It spans the life cycle of a program and describes the appropriate contractual requirements for each phase of the program. The student gains knowledge and experience in needs assessment, requirements development and documentation, solicitation development, supply chain management, proposal writing, negotiations, contract writing, contract administration, and contract closeout.
BUS 7316 – Marketing Management 3 Credits
This course provides the student with a survey of marketing management theories and tools. It deals with strategies, tactics, and programs for getting, growing, and keeping mutually beneficial relationships with international and domestic customers. Course assignments provide experience with techniques, analyses, and frameworks necessary for informed decision making for marketing decisions.
BUS 7318 – International Business 3 Credits
The course provides an overview and insight into the international environment of business including cultural, economic, financial, political, legal, and ethical issues that cut across the functional areas of business such as management, marketing, finance, and accounting. It examinations the opportunities and threats that exist for both large and small businesses engaged in international and or global business activities.
BUS 7335 – IT Management & Strategies 3 Credits
The course provides the student with an overview of Information Technology (IT)-enabled transformation and the strategic issues associated with the management of an integrated enterprise IT program. Additionally, the course provides an opportunity for the student to develop a well-balanced repository of IT skills that support enterprise wide decision-making strategies. Case studies provide students with the opportunity to apply their critical thinking skills and explore the world of IT Management from an enterprise wide strategic management view point.
BUS 7390 – Strategy and Policy 3 Credits
This course is taken as one of the final courses in the program. It provides the student with the opportunity to consolidate and utilize the knowledge, tools and concepts that the program provides. In this course the student will complete a detailed case analysis while developing a business strategy which includes concepts and tools such as macro environmental scanning, industry and competitive analysis, value chain analysis, SWOT analysis, identification of critical success factors and driving forces, and development of strategic alternatives and recommendations. Throughout the course the student applies these concepts and tools as they develop the strategic profile for the company or industry that is described in the case study. (Prerequisite: Final term in program or permission from the Academic Dean).
BUS 6340 – Survey Business and Its Leaders 3 Credits
This course provides with business professional with a survey of the historical aspects of American business, its leaders, and the events of the world environment that helped mold the business world of the United States. The course places an emphasis on the historical aspects of the forces, both internal and external to the United States, create these opportunities and threats in which the businesses operated.
MGT 5310 – Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3 Credits
This course explores entrepreneurship and innovation as it relates to the leadership of an organization. This is accomplished by analyzing the entrepreneurial mind in both an individual and organizational environment. This course takes developmental cycle of an entrepreneurial organization or organizational unit, including the stages of resource development, launching, managing growth and evaluating progress. Approaches to problem- solving are developed with applications made to organizational responsibilities and personal growth. (Prerequisite: MGT 5312 – Professional Communications and Writing)
MGT 5312 – Leadership Communications and Writing 3 Credits
The course provides the student with the background knowledge and guidelines that will enable them to analyze their organizational environment and develop effective leadership communication strategies. It will provide the skills that will allow the student to analyze their environments, develop their leadership communications strategy, apply the strategy and formulate alternative approaches. Both oral and written communications skills are covered at five levels: intra-personal, interpersonal, group, organizational, and intercultural. Concepts from several academic disciplines along with actual managerial examples from a variety of organizations are examined. The course includes current topics of concerns for ethics, increasing diversity, greater job stress, and technological advances and how these topics affect our organizational communications.
MGT 5340 – Issues of Management 3 Credits
The course provides the student with information about individual behavior within the context of the business environment. The course surveys current trends and issues that affect today’s businesses. Topics covered are group behavior, high performance teams, goal-framing effects, perceptions, motivation, leadership, and organizational design and change.
MGT 6311 – Human Resource Management 3 Credits
This course focuses on organizational planning, staff acquisition, and team development. This includes assigning project roles and responsibilities, staffing, motivating, leading, team building, and conflict resolution. The relationship between human resource management and project management are explored along with how HR relates to the project life cycle. You will gain an understanding of the processes required to make effective use of people and resources on a project. Techniques are covered related to interfacing with project stakeholders, designing effective organizational structures, dealing with conflict on projects, fostering communication, and managing stress. Practical self-assessment exercises are used to determine learners’ communication, conflict resolution, and leadership styles in addition to power orientation, personality type, and motivations to manage.
MGT 7312 – Organizational Behavior 3 Credits
The course provides the student with an overview of the paradigms in organizational group dynamics. It will explore the way in which humans act and organize themselves into groups. It will explore the “norms” that are utilized by organizations and the forces leaders exert upon those organizations. The course is designed to create an understanding of the interactive forces that affect and influence organizations.
MGT 7313 – Critical Thinking and Decision Making 3 Credits
This course provides the tools and skills each student needs to examine and fully develop their analytical skills. It explores the skills of the critical thinking and decision-making process and provides the students with concrete skills that can enhance their decision-making abilities. These skills will allow them to identify and solve organizational problems and enhance their strategic thinking abilities. Topics include problem identification, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and ethical implications.
MGT 7316 – Survey of High Performing Organizations 3 Credits
This course provides the skills and tools required by today’s leaders to move from managing yesterday’s organizations to leading the organization to its greatest capacity. The student will participate in projects that will allow them to understand how to move an organization through a vision into action. Focus will be placed on evaluating and developing the student’s own leadership skills and how to project the appropriate leadership image that will motivate and inspire others.
MGT 7340 – Organizational Leadership and Change Management 3 Credits
The course provides student with an overview of the theories found within the study of leadership and management during periods of transition. The course explores and analyzes the attributes found in successful leaders and how the leaders deal with periods of transition. The students explore current theories and strategies for leading an organization through a period of change and the course provides them with the tools to improve their own managerial and leadership skills.
MGT 7350 – Strategies in Organizational Leadership 3 Credits
This course builds on the leadership, business, and management concepts contained in the MSOM program. It provides the student with the opportunity to synthesize prior learning and experiences, both personal and professional. It will allow the student to expand personal thinking and explore the arena of leadership and how it will impact the future of the individual, the organization, and the world. (Prerequisite: Final term in program or permission from the Academic Dean. Taken with BUS 7390 – Strategy and Policy)
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
Based upon the student’s professional plans, the student can select to take the standard DBA program or one of the two DBA Concentrations. Jones International offers the DBA in Artificial Intelligence (DBA/AI) concentration as well as the DBA in Information Technology (DBA/IT) concentration degree programs.
Jones International University’s Department of Business offers the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) professional program online. The program is designed for students with a master’s degree in business or related field. The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree program offered by Jones International University was designed to provide the business professional with an advanced knowledge and mastery of the profession. The DBA students gain an insight into professional research and how to best utilize and capitalize on the vast array of business literature available today. The program allows the students to build upon their established professional backgrounds and demonstrate their knowledge of the intellectual and theoretical foundations of management.
The DBA is a doctoral professional degree program in which the students master and demonstrate their business leadership expertise. The curriculum is designed in a way in which the students are able to develop an advanced appreciation and knowledge of the tools and processes needed to succeed as a corporate leader within the global business arena. The DBA advances careers by developing strong corporate leaders with a proven background that leverages individual talent and experience. Offered online, the program makes extensive use of business research, case studies, and real-world business situations. The capstone segment of the program is the Doctoral Business Project (dissertation). This project affords the student the opportunity to expand and demonstrate their knowledge within their professional area of expertise.
The Jones International DBA is designed as a 61-credit first professional level doctoral degree program. The required doctoral project (dissertation) is part of the core doctoral level courses.
The program objectives for the DBA are to provide the student with the knowledge and ability to:
- Integrate and apply academic theory, business research, and personal professional business knowledge to enhance leadership and professional growth.
- Synthesize and apply the principles of business research using qualitative and quantitative methods to support informed decision-making.
- Explain and demonstrate critical thinking and ethical decision making as an organizational leader.
- Synthesize and apply academic theories to issues and opportunities to promote efficiency and sustained development.
- Demonstrate practitioner competency as a leader within today’s cross cultural and/or global business organizations.
- Analyze and evaluate both internal and external influences having an impact on the organization’s effectiveness and demonstrate leadership skills fostering and influencing positive policy decisions to take advantage of these influences.
- Demonstrate management and leadership abilities needed to guide the organization through the planning, strategic decision-making, and implementation processes.
- Demonstrate competence in creating and implementing new business models to explain, predict, and improve performance of organizations.
- Develop an understanding of the value of continued education in the academic and practical setting.
- Formulate career advancing knowledge and skills as leaders and practitioners.
Level and Type of Research Required: Doctoral Level
Mastery and application of quantitative and qualitative business research methodologies involving real world case studies and academic research assignments throughout the completion of the core curriculum. Additionally, Doctoral students must complete a dissertation project during which they must perform a significant review of academic literature in a specific field, generate original data using an academic or industry approved data collection instrument, and analyze the original data using statistical analysis techniques.
The DBA student is required to complete a practical research project meeting the rigor of the doctoral level program. The student will establish a doctoral project committee which will consist of three individuals. The University and student will select: (1) the project chair, (2) a content committee member from the Jones International faculty and (3) Jones International University will assign a format specialist committee member. These three committee members will work with the student throughout the project. Once the student is allowed to register for RES 9350 – Doctoral Project I, a project proposal is written and submitted to the project chair for review and approval. The proposal will be in the Jones International University format and both the content committee member and the format specialist will review and make comments back to the student and the project chair. The student will proceed through the project as they take the RES 9360, RES 9370, and RES 9371 courses. Once the committee approves the completed project, it will then be submitted for publication in the Jones International University’s library and journal.
Typical length of study: 3 Years
The DBA program requires the successful completion of 61 doctoral level credits including the final doctoral project defense.
- Core Courses (33.5 Credits)
- Program Electives (12 Credit)
- Doctoral Research Seminars (6 Credits)
- Doctoral Project (9 Credits)
- Oral Presentation (0.5 Credit)
Prerequisite Courses:
For Non-Business Master’s Degree Majors
BUS 5310 – Survey of Business Topics (3 Credits – does not count toward 61 required credits)
For Students that have not passed the equivalent of one 3 credit statistics course with a minimum grade of B
BUS 5324 – Business Statistics and Decision Making (3 Credits – does not count toward 61 required credits)
ADM 8000 – Doctoral Level Success (1.5 Credits)
ADM 8001 – Mid Program Qualifying Examination (1 Credit)
ADM 8002 – Comprehensive Examination (1 Credit)
BUS 8300 – Corporate Managerial Finance and Accounting (3 Credits)
BUS 8310 – Survey of Global Business Opportunities and Issues (3 Credits)
BUS 8330 – Ethical Leadership (3 Credits)
BUS 8340 – Corporate Strategic Planning (3 Credits)
BUS 8350 – Supply Chain Management Design and Operations (3 Credits)
BUS 8371 – Leadership: Theories and Concepts (3 Credits)
BUS 8381 – International Financial Management (3 Credits)
BUS 8320 – Survey of Business and its Leaders (3 Credits)
RES 9311 – Fundamentals of Business Research (3 Credits)
RES 9312 – Advanced Study in Research Methods (3 Credits)
Program Electives (12 Credits – Select 4 Classes)
BUS 8360 – Marketing Strategy and Practice (3 Credits)
BUS 8390 – Project Management (3 Credits)
BUS 9300 – Topics in Human Resource Management (3 Credits)
BUS 9310 – Organizational and Group Dynamics (3 Credits)
CIS 9300 – Computers and Internet Applications Management (3 Credits)
Doctoral Research Seminars (6 Credits)
DOC 8001 – Doctoral Research Seminar I APA Workshop (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8002 – Doctoral Research Seminar II Research Methodology Overview (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8003 – Doctoral Research Seminar III Doctoral Plan (Proposal) (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8004 – Doctoral Research Seminar IV Doctoral Plan (Research) (1.5 Credits)
Doctoral Dissertation Project (9.5 Credits)
RES 9350 – Doctoral Dissertation Project I (3 Credits)
RES 9360 – Doctoral Dissertation Project II (3 Credits)
RES 9370 – Doctoral Dissertation Project III (3 Credits)
RES 9371 – Oral Presentation (0.5 Credits)
Doctor of Business Administration/Artificial Intelligence (DBA/AI)
The School of Business offers the Doctor of Business Administration – Artificial Intelligence (DBA-AI) professional program online. The program is designed for students with a master’s degree in business or related field. The Doctor of Business Administration – Artificial Intelligence (DBA-AI) degree program offered by Jones International University was designed to provide the business professional with an advanced knowledge and mastery of the profession. The DBA-AI students gain an insight into professional research and how to best utilize and capitalize on the vast array of business and artificial intelligence literature available today. The program allows the students to build upon their established professional backgrounds and demonstrate their knowledge of the intellectual and theoretical foundations of management.
The DBA-AI is a doctoral professional degree program in which the students master and demonstrate their business and artificial intelligence leadership expertise. The curriculum is designed in a way in which the students are able to develop an advanced appreciation and knowledge of the tools and processes needed to succeed as corporate leader within the global business arena. The DBA-AI advances careers by developing strong corporate leaders with a proven background that leverages individual talent and experience.
Offered online, the program makes extensive use of business research, case studies, and real-world business situations. The capstone segment of the program is the Doctoral Business Project (dissertation). This project affords the student the opportunity to expand and demonstrate their knowledge within their professional area of expertise.
The Jones International DBA-AI is designed as a 61-credit professional level doctoral degree program. The required doctoral project (dissertation) is part of the core doctoral level courses.
Program Learning Objectives:
PLO1. Integrate and apply academic theory, business research, and personal professional business knowledge to enhance leadership and professional growth.
PLO2. Synthesize and apply the principles of business research using qualitative and quantitative methods to support informed decision-making.
PLO3. Explain and demonstrate critical thinking and ethical decision making as an organizational leader.
PLO4. Synthesize and apply academic theories to issues and opportunities to promote efficiency and sustained development.
PLO5. Demonstrate practitioner competency as a leader within today’s cross cultural and/or global business organizations.
PLO6. Analyze and evaluate both internal and external influences having an impact on the organization’s effectiveness and demonstrate leadership skills fostering and influencing positive policy decisions to take advantage of these influences.
PLO7. Demonstrate management and leadership abilities needed to guide the organization through the planning, strategic decision-making, and implementation processes.
PLO8. Demonstrate competency in creating and implementing new business models to explain, predict, and improve performance of organizations.
PLO9. Develop an understanding of the value of continued education in the academic and practical setting.
PLO10. Formulate career advancing knowledge and skills as leaders and practitioners.
Level and Type of Research Required: Doctoral Level
Mastery and application of quantitative and qualitative business research methodologies involving real world case studies and academic research assignments throughout the completion of the core curriculum. Additionally, Doctoral students must complete a dissertation project during which they must perform a significant review of academic literature in a specific field, generate original data using an academic or industry approved data collection instrument, and analyze the original data using statistical analysis techniques.
The DBA/AI student is required to complete a practical research project meeting the rigor of the doctoral level program. The student will establish a doctoral project committee which will consist of three individuals. The University and student will select: (1) the project chair, (2) a content committee member from the Jones International faculty and (3) Jones International University will assign a format specialist committee member. These three committee members will work with the student throughout the project. Once the student is allowed to register for RES 9350 – Doctoral Project I, a project proposal is written and submitted to the project chair for review and approval. The proposal will be in the Jones International University format and both the content committee member and the format specialist will review and make comments back to the student and the project chair. The student will proceed through the project as they take the RES 9360, RES 9370, and RES 9371 courses. Once the committee approves the completed project, it will then be submitted for publication in the Jones International University’s library and journal.
Typical length of study: 3 Years
The DBA/AI program requires the successful completion of 61 doctoral level credits including the final doctoral project defense.
- Core Courses (45.5 Credits)
- Doctoral Research Seminars (6 Credits)
- Doctoral Project (9 Credits)
- Oral Presentation (0.5 Credit)
Doctor of Business Administration/Artificial Intelligence Courses and Workshops
Prerequisite Courses:
For Non-Business Master’s Degree Majors
BUS 5310 – Survey of Business Topics (3 Credits – does not count toward 61 required credits)
For Students that have not passed the equivalent of one 3 credit statistics course with a minimum grade of B
BUS 5324 – Business Statistics and Decision Making (3 Credits – does not count toward 61 required credits)
ADM 8000 – Doctoral Level Success (1.5 Credits)
ADM 8001 – Mid Program Qualifying Examination (1 Credit)
ADM 8002 – Comprehensive Examination (1 Credit)
BUS 8300 – Corporate Managerial Finance and Accounting (3 Credits)
BUS 8310 – Survey of Global Business Opportunities and Issues (3 Credits)
BUS 8320 – Survey of American Business and its Leaders (3 Credits)
BUS 8340 – Corporate Strategic Planning (3 Credits)
BUS 8350 – Supply Chain Management Design and Operations (3 Credits)
BUS 8371 – Leadership: Theories and Concepts (3 Credits)
BUS 8390 – Project Management (3 Credits)
CIS 9300 – Computers & Internet Applications &Management (3 Credits)
CIS 9305 – Analytics, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence (3 Credits)
CIS 9306 – Machine Learning (3 Credits)
CIS 9307 – Robotics (3 Credits)
CIS 9308 – Artificial Intelligence Adoption (3 Credits)
RES 9311 – Fundamentals of Business Research (3 Credits)
RES 9312 – Advanced Study in Research Methods (3 Credits)
Doctoral Research Seminars (6 Credits)
DOC 8001 – Doctoral Research Seminar I APA Workshop (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8002 – Doctoral Research Seminar II Research Methodology Overview (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8003 – Doctoral Research Seminar III Doctoral Plan (Proposal) (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8004 – Doctoral Research Seminar IV Doctoral Plan (Research) (1.5 Credits)
Doctoral Dissertation Project (9.5 Credits)
RES 9350 – Doctoral Dissertation Project I (3 Credits)
RES 9360 – Doctoral Dissertation Project II (3 Credits)
RES 9370 – Doctoral Dissertation Project III (3 Credits)
RES 9371 – Oral Presentation (0.5 Credits)
Doctor of Business Administration/Information Technology (DBA/IT)
The School of Business offers the Doctor of Business Administration – Information (DBA-IT) professional program online. The program is designed for students with a master’s degree in business or related field. The Doctor of Business Administration – Information Technology (DBA-IT) degree program offered by Jones International University was designed to provide the business professional with an advanced knowledge and mastery of the profession. The DBA-IT students gain an insight into professional research and how to best utilize and capitalize on the vast array of business and artificial intelligence literature available today. The program allows the students to build upon their established professional backgrounds and demonstrate their knowledge of the intellectual and theoretical foundations of management.
The DBA-IT is a doctoral professional degree program in which the students master and demonstrate their business and artificial intelligence leadership expertise. The curriculum is designed in a way in which the students are able to develop an advanced appreciation and knowledge of the tools and processes needed to succeed as corporate leader within the global business arena. The DBA-AI advances careers by developing strong corporate leaders with a proven background that leverages individual talent and experience.
Offered online, the program makes extensive use of business research, case studies, and real-world business situations. The capstone segment of the program is the Doctoral Business Project (dissertation). This project affords the student the opportunity to expand and demonstrate their knowledge within their professional area of expertise.
The Jones International DBA-IT is designed as a 61-credit professional level doctoral degree program. The required doctoral project (dissertation) is part of the core doctoral level courses.
- PLO1. Integrate and apply academic theory, business research, and personal professional business knowledge to enhance leadership and professional growth.
- PLO2. Synthesize and apply the principles of business research using qualitative and quantitative methods to support informed decision-making.
- PLO3. Explain and demonstrate critical thinking and ethical decision making as an organizational leader.
- PLO4. Synthesize and apply academic theories to issues and opportunities to promote efficiency and sustained development.
- PLO5. Demonstrate practitioner competency as a leader within today’s cross cultural and/or global business organizations.
- PLO6. Analyze and evaluate both internal and external influences having an impact on the organization’s effectiveness and demonstrate leadership skills fostering and influencing positive policy decisions to take advantage of these influences.
- PLO7. Demonstrate management and leadership abilities needed to guide the organization through the planning, strategic decision-making, and implementation processes.
- PLO8. Demonstrate competency in creating and implementing new business models to explain, predict, and improve performance of organizations.
- PLO9. Develop an understanding of the value of continued education in the academic and practical setting.
- PLO10. Formulate career advancing knowledge and skills as leaders and practitioners.
- PLO11. Demonstrate an understanding of IT service management, software engineering, and audit functions.
- PLO12: Formulate IT innovation within an organization.
Level and Type of Research Required: Doctoral Level
Mastery and application of quantitative and qualitative business research methodologies involving real world case studies and academic research assignments throughout the completion of the core curriculum. Additionally, Doctoral students must complete a dissertation project during which they must perform a significant review of academic literature in a specific field, generate original data using an academic or industry approved data collection instrument, and analyze the original data using statistical analysis techniques.
The DBA/IT student is required to complete a practical research project meeting the rigor of the doctoral level program. The student will establish a doctoral project committee which will consist of three individuals. The University and student will select: (1) the project chair, (2) a content committee member from the Jones International faculty and (3) Jones International University will assign a format specialist committee member. These three committee members will work with the student throughout the project. Once the student is allowed to register for RES 9350 – Doctoral Project I, a project proposal is written and submitted to the project chair for review and approval. The proposal will be in the Jones International University format and both the content committee member, and the format specialist will review and make comments back to the student and the project chair. The student will proceed through the project as they take the RES 9360, RES 9370, and RES 9371 courses. Once the committee approves the completed project, it will then be submitted for publication in the Jones International University’s library and journal.
Typical length of study: 3 Years
The DBA/IT program requires the successful completion of 61 doctoral level credits including the final doctoral project defense.
- Core Courses (45.5 Credits)
- Doctoral Research Seminars (6 Credits)
- Doctoral Project (9 Credits)
- Oral Presentation (0.5 Credit)
Doctor of Business Administration Courses and Workshops
Prerequisite Courses:
For Non-Business Master’s Degree Majors
BUS 5310 – Survey of Business Topics (3 Credits – does not count toward 61 required credits)
For Students that have not passed the equivalent of one 3 credit statistics course with a minimum grade of B
BUS 5324 – Business Statistics and Decision Making (3 Credits – does not count toward 61 required credits)
ADM 8000 – Doctoral Level Success (1.5 Credits)
ADM 8001 – Mid Program Qualifying Examination (1 Credit)
ADM 8002 – Comprehensive Examination (1 Credit)
BUS 8300 – Corporate Managerial Finance and Accounting (3 Credits)
BUS 8310 – Survey of Global Business Opportunities and Issues (3 Credits)
BUS 8320 – Survey of Business and its Leaders (3 Credits)
BUS 8340 – Corporate Strategic Planning (3 Credits)
BUS 8350 – Supply Chain Management Design and Operations (3 Credits)
BUS 8371 – Leadership: Theories and Concepts (3 Credits)
BUS 8390 – Project Management (3 Credits)
CIS 9300 – Computers & Internet Applications & Management (3 Credits)
CIS 9301 – IT Service Management (3 Credits)
CIS 9302 – Software Engineering (3 Credits)
CIS 9303 – IT Auditing (3 Credits)
CIS 9304 – Leading IT Innovations (3 Credits)
RES 9311 – Fundamentals of Business Research (3 Credits)
RES 9312 – Advanced Study in Research Methods (3 Credits)
Doctoral Research Seminars (6 Credits)
DOC 8001 – Doctoral Research Seminar I APA Workshop (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8002 – Doctoral Research Seminar II Research Methodology Overview (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8003 – Doctoral Research Seminar III Doctoral Plan (Proposal) (1.5 Credits)
DOC 8004 – Doctoral Research Seminar IV Doctoral Plan (Research) (1.5 Credits)
Doctoral Dissertation Project (9.5 Credits)
RES 9350 – Doctoral Dissertation Project I (3 Credits)
RES 9360 – Doctoral Dissertation Project II (3 Credits)
RES 9370 – Doctoral Dissertation Project III (3 Credits)
RES 9371 – Oral Presentation (0.5 Credits)
Required Core Courses, Elective Courses, and Seminar Descriptions (45 Credits)
ADM 8000 – Doctoral Level Success 1.5 Credits
To be successful in the online, doctoral level degree programs at Jones International University, students need to possess a core set of skills. This course provides new students with an overview of these core skills, focusing on 4 specific items: navigating the Jones International systems and expectations; Jones International’ policies and procedures; student services and university resources; and the LIRN Library Database.
ADM 8001 – Mid Program Qualifying Examination 1 CREDIT
This examination is taken after the student has successfully completed the equivalent of one year of full-time enrollment in the DBA program. The examination will be taken online and consist of two sections, a multiple choice section that measures knowledge of the material covered in the basic degree program courses and a written part that measures the student’s qualifications to continue and successfully complete the program.
ADM 8002 – Comprehensive Examination 1 CREDIT
This examination is taken after the student has successfully completed all core courses. The examination is a comprehensive review of the course material taken during the DBA program and is designed to demonstrate the student’s academic and professional proficiency and mastery of the material. The examination will be taken online and consist of two sections, a multiple-choice section that measures knowledge of the material and the written part that measures application of the material.
BUS 5310 – Survey of Business Topics 3 Credits (Is a prerequisite course for students who hold a non-business master’s degree. This course does not count toward DBA degree credit requirements)
This course is designed for the student that does not hold a master’s degree in business. It explores the various disciplines of today’s business environment and provides the student with a detailed overview of the field of business management and how each one is related to the other. The disciplines that are surveyed include management, finance, accounting, economics, marketing, business law, procurement/contracts, human resources, and international business. The course is required for students that did not major in business in their applicable undergraduate or graduate programs.
BUS 5324 – Business Statistics and Decision Making 3 Credits (Prerequisite course for students who have not passed a statistics course with the minimum grade of a B and does not count toward DBA degree credit requirements)
The course familiarizes the student with the use of business statistical procedures for the purpose of generating decision-making information. Understanding the conceptual basis of the methods will be emphasized, which enables students to identify and apply the appropriate statistical procedure to the decision problem.
BUS 8300 – Corporate Managerial Finance and Accounting 3 Credits
This course addresses financial and accounting concepts and their applications to the management of an organization and presents a framework for financial decisions the organization. The student will analyze and evaluate the various managerial aspects of accounting and finance using an academic approach. The three key components of the course include an overview of accounting, an overview of the fundamental concepts of financial management, and the theories and applications that are closely tied to managerial accounting and finance. The student will then use the course assignments to gain practical exposure to such theories as capital structure, market efficiency, investments, risk/mitigation management, corporate restructuring, and corporate governance.
BUS 8310 – Survey of Global Business Opportunities and Issues 3 Credits
This course surveys and analyzes the major themes that are found within today’s international business environment. The student will be immersed into the four major subject areas of global business issues and strategies which are management, economics, political science, and strategy. The coursework encourages student to think critically about international issues through a combination of real-world case studies and group discussion of theoretical frameworks. The course provides the student with a global perspective that can be utilized as either a practitioner or as a scholar.
BUS 8320 – Survey of Business and Its Leaders 3 Credits
This course provides with business professional with a survey of the historical aspects of American business, its leaders, and the events of the world environment that helped mold the business world of the United States. The course places an emphasis on the historical aspects of the forces, both internal and external to the United States, create these opportunities and threats in which the businesses operated.
BUS 8330 – Ethical Leadership 3 Credits
This course examines business ethics and leadership from both theoretical and applied perspectives. The student uses fundamental ethical theory to analyze, discuss, and draw conclusions concerning contemporary business phenomena and current events. The course allows the student to examine differing ethical approaches to business issues such as corporate responsibility, corporate accountability, human resources, and international business through a variety of lenses. The focus throughout the course is on developing a baseline for ethical leadership.
BUS 8340 – Corporate Strategic Planning 3 Credits
This course focuses on creating the value proposition as a driver of sustainable competitive advantage. Topics include translating key emerging trends into business opportunities; strategic challenges of global expansion; opportunities and constraints posed by regulatory change; competitor intelligence; scenario planning/planning for multiple futures; maximizing core business value; differentiating the value proposition; distribution channel development and integration; tailoring the value chain; building successful strategic alliances; and off-shoring models and approaches. The course utilizes cases studies which affords the student the opportunity to simulate real world experience in the development and implementation of corporate strategy.
BUS 8350 – Supply Chain Management Design and Operations 3 Credits
This class provides the doctoral student with an in-depth survey of the engineering design and supplier integration strategies that are necessary in the design and development of the supply chain for purchasing, materials, and logistics systems. Course case studies include analyzing and critiquing the strategies used by various companies in the development of their supply chain system. Course topics included: engineering design & supplier strategies, supply chain design and cost management implications, supply chain management design & strategies, sustainability issues, supply chain analysis project, systems approach, global supply chain issues, and trends in supply chain design.
BUS 8360 – Marketing Strategy and Practice 3 Credits
This course addresses the key components of marketing strategy and tactics which are identification, analysis, and selection of target markets and planning, implementing, and evaluating a marketing strategy. The student will examine the major forces impacting marketing strategy, such as electronic marketing and multi-media marketing, face-to-face marketing, consumer trends, and competition. The Course Research Project for this class helps the student obtain practical marketing experience by performing research on a specific company or industry and then developing a marketing plan which incorporates the research as well as the student’s knowledge of marketing.
BUS 8371 – Leadership: Concepts and Theories 3 Credits
This course provides the student with an in-depth overview of the theories and concepts of leadership through behavior theory and business practice learning. The balancing of people and task-related skills necessary for influencing others to get their job done efficiently and effectively will be explored. Students will identify and hone their personal leadership skills, creativity, charisma, and other leadership skills that are necessary to be an effective leader.
BUS 8381 – International Financial Management 3 Credits
The course provides the student with a comprehensive survey of how international corporate financial markets work and how Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) tap international markets for raising capital, hedging risks and defining their investment decisions.
BUS 8390 – Project Management 3 Credits
This course surveys the field of project management and prepares the student to work in and lead a project team. The course surveys the tools to plan, monitor and control project schedules, manage resources, budgets and specifications. The assignments provide the opportunity for the student to learn to develop effective plans that first identify the need for a project and second identify the project scope, constraints, stakeholders, and risks/risk mitigation plans.
BUS 9300 – Topics of Human Resource Management 3 Credits
This course analyzes various aspects of human development and behavior such as human capital acquisition, development, and retention from theoretical, best practices, and business results perspectives. Through the use of the class discussions, case studies, and academic research, the student will gain an appreciation of the managerial aspects of personnel planning and job analysis, personnel selection, performance appraisal, and training and development from the vantage point of the manager. The Course Research Project offers the student with the opportunity to explore and synthesize such topics as establishing high performance cultures, systems dynamics models, innovative compensation and reward strategies, and return-on-investment metrics.
BUS 9310 – Organizational and Group Dynamics 3 Credits
This course examines the dimensions and culture of an organization and the group dynamics that help shape it. The leader’s role in developing, maintaining, or changing the culture is explored and the student will use case studies and journal articles to apply the tools that are discussed within the course. These tools provide the student with the ability to measure the dimensions of an organization’s culture. The overall theme of the course is to provide an opportunity for the students to analyze their own leadership attributes and to further develop their ability to lead the organization. The Course Research Project affords the student the opportunity to analyze and further develop their leadership attributes within their current or future professional environment.
CIS 9300 – Computers and Internet Applications Management 3 Credits
This course focuses on the organizational issues and applications that are related to developing IT strategy and managing IT staff and functions. It examines the research topics such as IT strategy formulation and business alignment; IT organization, structure, and governance; implementation and change management; organizational learning, knowledge and management; and an evaluation of the impact of IT on the organization.
CIS 9301 – IT Service Management 3 Credits
IT services are key to delivering a great customer service experience. These services can be for internal and/or external clients and are the “lifeline” of the entire IT operation. This course enables the student with understanding services, designing the service enterprise, managing service operations, and quantitative models for service management. Topics include, economy, strategy, development, encounter, process flows, quality, process improvement, supply relationships, globalization, capacity and demand, forecasting, inventory, projects, etc.
CIS 9302 – Software Engineering 3 Credits
Software engineering a development process which requires a creative and innovative environment to thrive. This course enables the student with necessary distinction that is needed to lead software engineering teams and organizations. Topics include, software development process, human aspects, requirement modeling, design, review, quality, security, configuration, metrics, analytics, risk management, process improvement, support, emerging trends, etc.
CIS 9303 – IT Auditing 3 Credits
An IT organization has complex and critical set of processes and programs. It is imperative that these are functional. This requires regular audits. This course enables the student with developing an effective audit function. Topics include, audit process, controls, cybersecurity, infrastructure, disaster recovery, network, operating systems, applications, outsourced operations, projects, technologies, frameworks, standards, regulations, risk management, etc.
CIS 9304 – Leading IT Innovations 3 Credits
Innovations provide distinguishing factors for an organization. Business leaders need to establish a systematic innovation program for their organizations to bring out the best in their personnel and their products and/or services. This course enables the student with the developing a strategy to implement an IT innovation program. Topics include, sources of innovation, types and patterns of innovation, competitive landscape, timing of entry, strategic direction, project selection, collaboration, protection, organizing, production development process, leading teams, deployment, etc.
CIS 9305 – Analytics, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence 3 Credits
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming virtually every aspect of our lives. Data is growing at an extraordinary rate. Analytics and data science share similarities with AI. Their understanding is helpful when addressing issues with AI. This course enables the student with a broad introduction to AI with analytics and data science. Topics include, analytics, visualization, data mining, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, big data, robotics, expert systems, implementation issues, etc.
CIS 9306 – Machine Learning 3 Credits
Machine learning (ML) provides the capability for computers to learn from data. This course enables the student with an introduction to various different types and applications of ML. Topics include, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, statistical learning, vector support machines, neural networks, fuzzy inference systems, data clustering and transformations, decision tree learning, and data mining, etc.
CIS 9307 – Robotics 3 Credits
Robots are being increasing prevalent at the workplace. Business leaders need to understand the capabilities of various forms of robots and how to augment the human personnel. Topics include, Fourth Industrial Revolution, automation, relevance of artificial intelligence (AI), challenges, disruptions, singularity, robotic process automation (RPA), etc.
CIS 9308 – Artificial Intelligence Adoption 3 Credits
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming virtually every aspect of our lives. Business leaders need to recognize this unstoppable “force” of innovation and understand both the implications and capabilities of AI for their organizations. This course empowers the student with what is needed to organize and optimize his/her organization/workforce to realize the benefits of AI. Topics include, promises and challenges, AI-ready culture, collection and preparation of data, machine learning models, workforce redesign, ethics, etc.
DOC 8001 – Doctoral Research Seminar I APA Workshop 1.5 Credits
This is the first of four online seminars designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills to perform sound research and document their findings in APA Style formats. Learning to write well is important and students can make great strides in stylistic improvement if they are constantly concerned with proper format. Therefore, this seminar is designed to provide the student with the skills needed to understand and master the stylistic requirements of the APA format.
DOC 8002 – Doctoral Research Seminar II Research Methodology Overview 1.5 Credits
It provides the student with an in-depth overview of the doctoral research methodology. The seminar covers the following areas: research study methods; development of problem statements, research questions and hypotheses; testing methods; populations and samples; as well as the value of the research to the study on the student’s profession and society. The student will come away from the seminar with an outline and methodology plan that will evolve into the student’s doctoral dissertation project. (Prerequisite RES 9311)
DOC 8003 – Doctoral Research Seminar III Doctoral Plan (Proposal) 1.5 Credits
This seminar is designed to provide the doctoral student with an overview of the process and requirements for writing and submitting the dissertation proposal. The key focus in this seminar is the design of the sections of the dissertation with emphasis on the proposal requirements in Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the Jones International dissertation format. The student will utilize the plan that was developed in DOC 8002 and work on expanding the outline of the first three chapters. (Prerequisite DOC 8002)
DOC 8004 – Doctoral Research Seminar IV Doctoral Plan (Research) (1.5 Credits)
This seminar is designed to facilitate the student’s understanding of the process and requirements needed to finalize the dissertation project. The student will receive an in-depth overview of the requirements for Chapters 4 and 5. The required content and format are reviewed and practiced. The student will develop a template for the final two chapters of their dissertation. (Prerequisite DOC 8003)
RES 9311 – Fundamentals of Business Research 3 Credits
This course surveys the fundamental data skills and analytical capabilities needed for graduate-level research. The focus is on reviewing published research using basic statistical techniques and determining the appropriate techniques for a given situation. It covers data mining and analysis, sampling, t-tests, analysis of variance, correlation and regression, and selected nonparametric tests. The student will obtain practical business research experience while completing the Course Research Project for the course.
RES 9312 – Advanced Study in Research Methods 3 Credits
This course presents an overview of the general approaches to research methodology for doctoral-level research. Learners investigate the quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodology approaches to rigorous scholarly inquiry in their field. Emphasis is placed on reliability, validity, dependability and ethical considerations for developing dissertation designs. The student analyzes the relevance and appropriateness of specific research methodologies for use in their dissertation. The Course Research Project for this course will build upon the project that was started in RES 9311 and affords the student the opportunity to apply the theories they are learning. (Prerequisite: RES 9311)
Doctoral Dissertation Project Course Descriptions: (9 Credits)
RES 9350 – Doctoral Dissertation Project I 3 Credits
This course is the first of three courses that are facilitated by the doctoral student’s chair. It is taken after the doctoral student has completed all required core courses including DOC seminars I, II, III, and IV and passed the DBA program comprehensive exam. The purpose of this course is to support the doctoral student in developing the proposal for the dissertation project. The student will be advised by the chair and potentially by the dissertation committee throughout this course. Primary emphasis of the course is placed on Chapter 2 of the proposal. The planned outcome of the course is to have an agreement by the student’s chair on a draft of Chapter 2 along with the outline of Chapters 1 and 3 of the student’s proposal. Prerequisites: ADM 8002 and DOC 8004. (This class can be retaken as needed.)
RES 9360 – Doctoral Dissertation Project II 3 Credits
This course is a directed study course and is intended for the student’s that have completed the draft of their dissertation proposal and received an agreement to proceed by the student’s chair. The areas of focus of this course will be the items that are needed in order to finalize the dissertation proposal. The course will provide the opportunity and information for the student to prepare and submit the Institutional Review Board Process (IRB) application and to complete the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: RES 9350. (The course can be retaken as needed)
RES 9370 – Doctoral Dissertation Project III 3 Credits
This final project writing course is a directed study course and is intended for the doctoral student that has passed the dissertation proposal conference and completed the planned research for the dissertation. During this course the student will receive the support that is needed in order to revise, if needed, the proposal chapters 1, 2, and 3. The student will then complete chapters 4 and 5 and submit the draft of the dissertation project to the entire committee for review and approval. Prerequisites: RES 9360. (The course can be retaken as needed)
RES 9371 – Oral Presentation 0.5 Credits
The final step in the dissertation project is the successful completion of the Dissertation Committee Conference (Oral Defense). Once the dissertation is approved by the committee, the chair and committee format specialist will work with the student to ensure the dissertation manuscript will be ready to submit to the Jones International University for publication. Each member of the candidate’s committee will participate in the presentation and a final decision will be made by the majority of the committee as to approve the dissertation project or not. Prerequisites: RES 9370. (The course can be retaken as needed)